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—This page will be updated frequently—

We have catagorised packages into 3 sections based on the visibility and usability of the application or the package. the sections are High Priority, Medium Priority and Low Priority.

Gnome 2.32 translations status page

High Priority

Package Name % (translated/fuzzy/untranslated) Status Translated by
gnome-menus 100 (46/0/0) Completed
gnome-desktop 81 (50/2/9)
gnome-panel 99 (603/3/0)
gedit 100 (1108/0/0) Completed
gdm 84 (198/33/4)
Eye of GNOME 75 (240/63/13)
Evince 75 (281/57/33)
metacity 99 (400/2/1)
nautilus 93 (1359/67/23)
totem 91 (562/31/18)
brasero 74 (743/199/51)
gnome-session 93 (97/7/0)
gnome-games 92 (1479/104/18)
gnome-utils 97 (674/9/5)
empathy 60 (482/188/133)
Epiphany Web Browser 98 (723/6/8)
gcalctool 30 (80/72/107)
gnome applets 98 (782/4/10)
gnome-control-center 99 (785/3/2)
gnome-media 91 (286/24/1)
evolution-webcal83 (25/5/0)
evolution 79 (3620/776/138)
gtk+ UI 99 (866/0/1)
dasher 92 (193/14/2)
ekiga 91 (641/38/23)
gnucharmap 91 (296/19/9)
alacarte 100 (16/0/0) Completed
bug-buddy 81 (72/16/0)
cheese 83 (103/13/7)
Deskbar Applet 96 (342/14/0)
evolution-data-server 81 (784/152/26)
evolution-exchange 38 (139/117/104)
evolution-mapi 47  (50/25/31)
file-roller 88 (269/25/11)
gcalctool 30 (80/72/107)
gconf-editor 100 (98/0/0) Completed
gnome-bluetooth 86 (154/11/14)
gnome-color-manager 0 (0/0/383)
gnome-vfs 98 (301/4/0)
gnome-doc-utils 98 (99/0/2)
gtk-engines 100 (47/0/0)
gtkhtml 94 (292/12/5)
libgweather • Weather Applet Locations98(4327/41/6)
mousetweaks 88 (83/8/3)
orca 71 (1005/276/129)
seahorse 98 (645/2/5)
seahorse-plugins98 (239/3/0)
sound-juicer 94 (177/10/0)
tomboy 92 (410/13/18)
totem-pl-parser 100 (7/0/0)
vte 92 (13/1/0)
zenity 87 (130/15/4)
status.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/24 11:13 (external edit)