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  1. Create a file using cat with all the names of your friends.
  2. Concatenate the file with some other names
  3. Search for a name in the file using sed
  4. Replace a name with another using sed. Redirect it to another file name.
  5. Search for the name in the file using Nano
  6. Write a Hello world program in emacs
  7. Split the windows in emacs
  8. Find out copy and paste in emacs. Also, about M-x increase-left-margin


  1. Find out the area of a rectangle with length = 10 and breadth = 20
  2. Find the maximum number in [1,30,99,43,21]
    1. Check what max(list) does
  3. Implement Linear search using lists
  4. Take a string using raw_input and replace all a's in the string with b's
  5. Take a string using raw_input and check if it is a palindrome
  6. Make an English to telugu dictionary with 10 english words as the keys and telugu words as values. Now, make some strings with the dictionary
  7. Print this
software_carpentry.1370075752.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/24 11:13 (external edit)