=== Basic === =====Editors==== - Create a file using cat with all the names of your friends. - Concatenate the file with some other names - Search for a name in the file using sed - Replace a name with another using sed. Redirect it to another file name. - Search for the name in the file using Nano - Write a Hello world program in emacs - Split the windows in emacs - Find out copy and paste in emacs. Also, about M-x increase-left-margin =====Python===== - Find out the area of a rectangle with length = 10 and breadth = 20 - Find the maximum number in [1,30,99,43,21] - Check what max(list) does - Implement Linear search using lists - Take a list, implement a loop such that the program prints the index of a particular item in the list. - Take a string using raw_input and replace all a's in the string with b's - Take a string using raw_input and check if it is a palindrome - Check [[python_reference#string_reverse|reversed]] - Make an English to telugu dictionary with 10 english words as the keys and telugu words as values. Now, make some strings with the dictionary - Print this P Py Pyt Pyth Pytho Python - Take an input from the user which can be "heads" or "tails". Now, get a random number which is 0 and 1 from python using [[python_reference#random|random]]. Print "Success" if input is heads and the random number is 0 or if input is tails and random number is 1. Else, print "Fail" - A program that prints "Panagram" if a given sentence is a pangram (A pangram is a sentence that contains all the letters of the English alphabet at least once, for example: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Your task here is to write a function to check a sentence to see if it is a pangram or not. ) - Write a function called "morph" which takes a string and replaces all a's in the string and replaces them with o's and replaces all e's with i's. - Write a function called "common" which takes two lists l1 and l2 and returns the common items in a list. === Intermediate === - Here is a description of the “Lucky 7” Game: You start of by asking the user to choose from 3 sets (Hint :: Use raw_input) - Any number below 7 (0-7) - Exactly 7 - Any number above 7 (7-12) After the user chooses, you have to roll your dice and see the outcome - If the number on the dice is < 7 and user chooses 1, then he wins. Else, he loses - If the number on the dice is = 7 and the user chooses 2, he wins, Else he loses - If the number on the dice is > 7 and the user chooses 3, he wins, Else he loses Task : Write a python program to stimulate the lucky 7 program .. Hint : [[python_reference#random|Use random module]] - Write a function called "shift" which takes a list l1 and a number n. The function should insert n number of zeros in front of the list and discard the last n number of digits already present in the list. * shift([1,2,3,4],1) must return [0,1,2,3] * shift([1,2,3,4],2) must return [0,0,1,2] * *