===LAMP Installation and Drupal Installation=== ===Overview=== - [[#Setting up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP)|Setting up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP)]] - [[#Install Drupal|Install Drupal]] - [[#Menus|Menus]] - [[#Adding content|Adding content]] - [[#Slideshow|Slideshow]] - [[#Blocks|Blocks]] - [[#Creating blocks|Creating blocks]] - [[#Normal blocks|Normal blocks]] - [[#Blocks with Images|Blocks with Images]] - [[#Contact form|Contact form]] - [[#Search|Search]] ==Setting up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP)== * If you have Debian OS installed in your system, type su and press enter it will prompt for password, enter your root password * If you have Ubuntu OS installed in your system, type sudo su and press enter it will prompt for password, enter your root password * Update package sources apt-get update (This is safer than apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade, because it safely upgrades your server and resolves dependencies) * Install Apache2 and PHP5 apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd chmod -R 777 /var/www/html Check if apache is working /etc/init.d/apache2 restart nano /var/www/html/info.php Copy & paste the folowing php code in the nano editor Go and check http://localhost/info.php in your browser to see configuration of installed php version. * Install Mysql and PHPmyadmin apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql apt-get install phpmyadmin When prompted for a password enter **hello** (You can also set your own password). * Creating a MySQL DB & user for your Drupal installation mysqladmin -u root -p create d8 Enter **hello** (mysql password) when you are prompted for password. If you get a "Database exists" error, please issue "mysqladmin -u root -p drop d8" to delete the existing database and then issue the create command. * Configuring Apache for Clean URLs a2enmod rewrite nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted * Restart the apache server service apache2 restart ==Install Drupal== * The Drupal is available at . * **Note: Do this only if the previous step fails.**Download the latest stable version of drupal from http://drupal.org/project/drupal * Prepare server for drupal setup * Copy the drupal-8.x.tar.gz file to /var/www/html and uncompress the files so that you get /var/www/drupal-8.x finally * Rename the drupal folder to d8 * Goto d8/sites/default, create a folder called files so that you have d8/sites/default/files * Copy default.settings.php as settings.php so that you have d8/sites/default/settings.php * Give 777 permissions to file(apply permissions to enclosed files) & settings.php * Install drupal * Goto http://localhost/d8 * Choose **Standard** installation profile and **save and continue** * Leave **English** as is and **save and continue** * Give **Database Name** as **d8**, **Database username** as **root** & **Database password** as **hello** for LAMP or leave blank for XAMPP and **Save and continue** * configure **Site information** * **Site Name** your full name * **Site e-mail address** your email id * configure **Site maintenance account** * **username** as **admin** * **password** & **Confirm password** as **hello** * configure **Server settings** * Choose **India** under **Default country** * Choose **Asia/Kolkata** and **Save and continue** * Now click on **Visit your new site** ==Menus== ==Adding content== * Click on **add content** in top black menu * Then click on **Basic page** * Give **Title** as **Workshop** * Write a summary about workshop in the **body** * Check the box **Provide a menu link** under **Menu Settings** below **Text format** group * Give **Workshop** in **Menu link title** * Ensure **
** under **Parent item** * Choose **1** as **Weight** and click **save** Similarly create pages about **Prepare your computer**, **Software carpentry** & **CMS** but ensure **Workshop** under **Parent item** for the new pages