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Summer School 2012

preparing your computer suite

Day 1 Tasks

1.1 Day 1

 Introduction to Free Software (Philosphy).
  Nomenclature: Gnu/Linux, Free Software, Kernel, Freeware.
  What is Distro ? Difference between different distributions like debian,swecha,eswecha,fedora,android etc..
  Installation of Gnu/Linux( Debian)
      Boot Order( Boot files and boot order of Gnu/Linux )
      Partition of disk

1.1.1 Exercises

  A one page write up contrasting atleast 4 different Free/Libre/Opensource licenses (Clue: GPLv2,GPLv3,Apache,Mozilla)
  Get to know different families of GNU/Linux distros. Debian family, RedHat family, Rolling release distributions like Arch, Gentoo, Slackware. (Clue:
  Differences between micro-kernel and monolithic kernel
  Analyzing BIOS with multiple options it has
  Experiment with different file systems(ext3,ext4,reiserfs,xfs)
  Change default entry in Grub2(Clue: /etc/grub.d)
  Restore Grub2
  Different methods of installation (Clue: CD, USB, Network)

Day 2 Tasks

1.2 Day 2

  Desktop Environments like Gnome, gnome-shell, KDE.
  Basic Administration
      File system hierarchy( /etc, /proc etc..)
      User management ( user, superuser)
      Network Configuration using network-manager.
  Package Management
      Installation of packages using apt-get and synaptic
      Debian mirrors, sections of packages main,contrib,non-free.
      .deb files and how to install them.
      Installation using source files.( configure;make;make install idiom)
  Free Software Equivalents
      Office Suite
      Gimp, Blender
      Vlc, firefox etc..

1.2.1 Exercises

      Install KDE
      Install LXDE with LXDM
      Assign static IP address by editing the relevant file (Clue: etc/network….)
      Add a user and assign him to be a sudoer
      Change to the DNS to use google's DNS
      Get the details of the CPU, RAM, Pid, using files beneath /proc
      Check the message log of the computer (Clue: /var)
      Modify the index.html to reflect http://localhost
      Partition your USB disk with ext4 filesystem (Clue: fdisk, cfdisk)
      Use apt to install "sl" and use synaptic to uninstall it
      Change the repository to use Indian mirror(IITM)
      Download any .deb package of your choice and install using dpkg
      List out all the packages installed onto the system
      Install Openbox with Slim
      Remove Slim and replace it with xdm
      Configure the following shortcuts in Openbox environment
      Keybinding	Application
      Win+f	Iceweasel
      Win+t	Terminator
      Win+v	VLC Media Player
      Install tint2 and use it as a panel
      Replicate Alt+F2 functionality as in gnome ( Clue: gmrun)
      Create a symlink of all hidden files to the folder "dotfiles" and copy them to the other computer
      Create a user with his home directory to be stored under /home2
      Change the apache root to /home/user/site
      Insert the USB disk and record the changes that happen to the dbus into a text file
      Run iceweasel ; print the pid of iceweasel (Note: Only Pid nothing else. Eg: 14321)
      Close iceweasel using a single command using its pid
      Make a text file which has a line by line list of all package names installed in the system
      Download xmoto source code and install it by compiling the sources
      Download latest linux kernel and compile it

Day 3 Tasks

       1. Install Code::Blocks, Java, Eclipse, BOUML, Bluefish, MySql(If not installed), MySQL Workbench
       Problem : Design and Implement a solution for 
          a) Accepting workshop registration parameters like name,age,college etc
          b) Converting centigrade to fahrenhiet and vice versa
       2. Implement the above problems by using GCC. Debug it with GDB
       3. Implement the above problems by using Code::Blocks. Also, Debug it using the integrated debugger.
       4. Write programs in Java  for implementing the above problems. Edit, Compile, Run & Debug using Eclipse
       5. Do the following with eclipse
       a) Edit standard templates 
       b) Generate Constructors, Getters/Setters
       c) Refactor some variables
       d) Observe Call/Type Hierarchies 
       e) Generate Javadoc
       6. Install the WindowBuilder plugin in Eclipse
       7. Do task 4 graphically. Use the WindowBuilder Plugin
       8. Design UML Diagrams of the Problems
       9. Design a MySQL database for the registration parameters. Use the console
      10. View the data in the database using the MySQL workbench.
      11. Design HTML+CSS pages for the forms
sumcamp_2012.1338188024.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/24 11:13 (external edit)