====== MySQL ====== ===== Installing ===== Run this with root permission in your terminal. apt-get install mysql-server This will ask you for a password. Type 'password' there. ===== Tasks ===== - Create a 'camp' database - Create a 'students' table in it with the fields - Name - College - District - Email - Age - Year - Semester - Team number - Branch - Insert atleast 10 records in it. - Retrieve all the students whose age is greater than 20 - Retrieve all the students who are in 3rd year - Retrieve all the students who are in 4th,5th or the 6th team - Retrieve all the students who are in 2nd year, 2nd semester. - Retrieve all the students who are in ECE branch. - Retrieve all the students whose name starts with 'a' and ends with 'd'. - Create a table called 'favourites' it must have four fields - Name - Favourite Session 1 - Favourite Session 2 - Favourite Session 3 - Now, Insert the records with the values of the 'Favourite Sessions' being any session in the camp that you like. For example I like 'python','git','communication-skills' so, I will insert ('ganesh','python','git','communication-skills'). - Retrieve all the students who have 'python' as favourite 1. - Retrieve all the students who dont have 'databases' as favourite 2. - Retrieve all the students who have 'git' or 'documentation' as favourite 1. - Retrieve all the students who have 'python' as favourite 1, 'editors' as favourite 2, and 'databases' as favourite 3. - Update the email of a student in the 'students' table to 'xyz@google.com' where the name is 'john' (Create a row with name = john for this.) - Find the number of students in students table. ===== Reference ===== === Create === Replace tablename with your table's name, the fieild1,field2 with your field's names' and the type1,type2 with your respective types. CREATE table tablename (field1 type1,field2 type2); === Select === == Selecting all columns == SELECT * from tablename; == Selecting some columns == SELECT field1,field2 from tablename; == Selecting with conditions == SELECT * from tablename where field == value; == Supported Conditions == field > number (Eg : age > 10 ) field < number field == number field >= number field <= number field in (v1,v2,v3) (Eg: name in ('ganesh','divya')) field not n (v1,v2,v3) field like '%' (Eg: name like 'g%' [Matches all names starting with g] or name like '%g' [matches all names ending with g]) field not like '%' == Multiple constraints == We can use and,or in SQL to support multiple constraints SELECT * from tablename where n > 10 and b < 20; # Executes only if both a > 10 and b < 20 SELECT * from tablename where n > 10 or b < 20; # Executes if any is true == Getting Count== SELECT count(*) from tablename; === Update === UPDATE tablename set field = value where field2 = value2; Multiple constraints apply here also. === Insert === INSERT INTO tablename values ( value1, value2, value3 );